AG- Agression,how agressive the player is,if he goes into the corners,fights,important for PK and your grind lines,higher agression= more penalties QK- How fast the player can skate directly in a straight line,in other words,the speed of the player PW- Power of the player,how tough he is,how often he gets knocked down,out played in corners,etc etc,high power usually results in high checking FA-Fatique,how much ice time a player can handle,if a player has a low fatique,I don't suggest double shifting him(putting him on 2 even strength lines etc etc or he will hit a minus streak,or lose his plus streak) IN-Injury,no brainer,the lower the number,more often the player gets injured. PN-Penalty no brainer too,lower number= more penalties,higher agression usually = lower penalty number. SK-Skating,how well the players skating teqnique is,this ratings has nothing to do with speed,but with turning,cross overs,backwards forwards skating,etc etc. PA- Passing,how well the player thinks on the ice,how he can set up plays,read plays,etc etc. PC- Puck Control,how well the player can stick handle the puck,and get shots on net,higher PC= more shots. Ck- How well the player can check,backcheck,forecheck,all the aspects of up and down the ice play(This rating does not necessarly mean hitting) Sh- How well the player can shoot,shot speed,shot velocity,dosn't have much to do with how MANY shots he gets,but higher shot rating usually = higher shot percentage